
Feminist Gallery

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Stanton at 65 years old

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) was an American writer and feminist activist. She led the women’s rights movement in the United States from the middle to the end of the 19th century. She was one of the leading figures at the Seneca Falls convention of 1848.

 Susan Brownell
Susan Brownell

Susan Brownell (1820-1906) was an American feminist who fought for women’s civil rights, but mainly for the right to vote. She was the founder with Elizabeth Cady Stanton of the National Woman Suffrage Association.

 Alison Bechdel
Alison Bechdel

Alison Bechdel (1960) is an American cartoonist. She began her career drawing a love story between two women, and was published in the Womanews. Today she was elected to the temple of the renowned Will Eisner, the main temple of the renowned for comics.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler with his works

Octavia Butler (1947-2006) is an African-American science fiction writer. It is in her stories that she criticizes discrimination, and defends feminism.

Ellen Wills
Ellen Wills

Ellen Willis (1941-2006) is an American journalist, essayist and music critic. She is also a feminist and was a member of the New York Radical Women group, and a founding member of the radical feminist movement Redstockings.