
History of feminism in the US

The history of feminism is a very recent event in the history of the United States since the first traces we have of it are in the nineteenth century.

Feminism in the 19th century

Women XIXème siècle

In 1832, Maria W. Stewart was the first Black woman to speak officially to an audience of women and men, black and white. She continued to speak for a year, denouncing slavery in the southern states and alienation and discrimination in the northern states. At the same time, she invited black women to pursue an ideal of freedom.

Margaret Fuller was a feminist who fought for women’s education. During the 1840s she organized meetings where she discussed literature and philosophy with other women. A few years later, in 1845, Margaret Fuller published Woman in the Nineteenth Century. It was a book calling for civic equality and women’s empowerment. It also denounced the injustices of laws concerning property and unfairness in marriage. His book sold very well and made especially scandal.

Woman in the nineteenth century
Woman in the Nineteenth Century, Margaret Fuller 1843

On July 19 and 20, 1848, the Seneca Falls Convention took place in the United States. It was the first convention on women’s rights in New York. The conclusion of this event was the creation of a list against male power.

The Women’s Christian Temperance Union was an American feminist association that fought against alcohol consumption. It was created in 1874 and was quite important in the history of feminism. This association participated in the International Council of Women in 1893. Then in 1920 she also campaigned for women’s right to vote, and against prostitution.

Woman Christian
Logo du Women's Christian Temperance Union

The National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs was formed in 1886. It is a merger of three associations: the National Federation of African-American Women, the National League of Colored Women and the Women’s Era Club of Boston. This association is one of the largest in the United States advocating for the rights of women of colour.

In 1890, the National American Woman Suffrage Association was formed. Its main objective is the right to vote of women. This association was born during the progressive era, from 1890 to 1920. During this period the United States underwent social, economic, political and moral reforms.

Feminism in the 20th century

In 1916 the National Women’s Party was formed and campaigned for women’s right to vote. The right to vote granted to women in 1920. After that, the feminist wave calmed down.

It was not until 1960 that the feminist movements resurfaced.

President John F. Kennedy established the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women in 1961. Its purpose is to advise the President on the conditions and status of women.

In 1964 the Equal Pay Act was passed.

>En 1966, fondation de l’association National Organization for Women dont le but est de lutter contre ces discriminations.

National Orgznization for Women
Logo of the National Organization for Women

On August 26, 1970, women went on strike across the country, carrying out neither domestic nor domestic duties.

The law on gender equality in education was passed in 1972.

The amendment legalizing abortion for all women was passed in 1973. However, since the 2000s, abortion has been increasingly restricted by laws. In 2021 a law was passed in Texas prohibiting abortion as soon as one can hear the heart of the fetus (about 6 weeks of pregnancy).